Mastering DevSecOps: Elevate Your Tetris Application on AWS EKS using Jenkins and ArgoCD
Table of contents
- Project Introduction
- Prerequisites
- Step 1: We need to create an IAM user and generate the AWS Access key
- Step 2: We will install Terraform & AWS CLI to deploy our Jenkins Server(EC2) on AWS.
- Step 3: Deploy the Jenkins Server(EC2) using Terraform
- Step 4: Configure the Jenkins
- Step 5: We will deploy the EKS Cluster using Jenkins
- Step 6: We will install the ArgoCD Controller on the EKS Cluster and make it publicly available
- Step 7: Install the required plugins and configure the plugins to deploy our Tetris Application Version1
- Step 8: We will deploy our Tetris Application Version 2
- Cleanup
- Step 9: We will destroy the created AWS Resources
- Conclusion
Project Introduction
Welcome to the End-to-End DevSecOps Kubernetes Project! This comprehensive guide will walk you through setting up a robust DevSecOps pipeline on AWS using Kubernetes. The project is designed to deploy a Tetris game application on an EKS cluster, incorporating best practices for security and automation.
Before diving into the project, make sure you have the following prerequisites in place:
- Local Environment Setup:
Terraform and AWS CLI: Install and configure Terraform and AWS CLI on your local machine. Basic knowledge of these tools is necessary.
Basic Knowledge: Ensure basic knowledge of Terraform, AWS CLI, and familiarity with cloud concepts.
- Jenkins Server Deployment:
Git: Basic knowledge of Git commands is required.
AWS EC2: Understanding of AWS EC2 instances and security groups.
3. Jenkins Configuration:
Jenkins: Familiarity with Jenkins and basic Jenkins pipeline concepts.
Docker, Sonarqube, Terraform, Kubectl, AWS CLI, Trivy: Basic knowledge of these tools is necessary.
4. ArgoCD Setup:
Kubernetes: Basic knowledge of Kubernetes concepts.
ArgoCD: Familiarity with ArgoCD and understanding of continuous deployment concepts.
5. Pipeline Configuration:
- Jenkins Plugins: Understanding of Jenkins plugins, especially AWS Credentials, and Pipeline: AWS Steps.
Tools Configuration: Basic knowledge of configuring tools like Docker, NodeJS, OWASP Dependency-Check, and SonarQube in Jenkins.
GitHub Repository for the Project- https://github.com/AmanPathak-DevOps/End-to-End-Kubernetes-DevSecOps-Tetris-Project
Step 1: We need to create an IAM user and generate the AWS Access key
Create a new IAM User on AWS and give it to the AdministratorAccess for testing purposes (not recommended for your Organization's Projects)
Go to the AWS IAM Service and click on Users.
Click on Create user
Provide the name to your user and click on Next.
Select the Attach policies directly option and search for AdministratorAccess then select it**.**
Click on the Next.
Click on Create user
Now, Select your created user then click on Security credentials and generate access key by clicking on Create access key.
Select the Command Line Interface (CLI) then select the checkmark for the confirmation and click on Next.
Provide the Description and click on the Create access key.
Here, you will see that you got the credentials and also you can download the CSV file for the future.
Step 2: We will install Terraform & AWS CLI to deploy our Jenkins Server(EC2) on AWS.
Install & Configure Terraform and AWS CLI on your local machine to create Jenkins Server on AWS Cloud
Terraform Installation Script
wget -O- https://apt.releases.hashicorp.com/gpg | sudo gpg --dearmor -o /usr/share/keyrings/hashicorp-archive-keyring.gpg
echo "deb [signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/hashicorp-archive-keyring.gpg] https://apt.releases.hashicorp.com $(lsb_release -cs) main" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/hashicorp.list
sudo apt update
sudo apt install terraform -y
AWSCLI Installation Script
curl "https://awscli.amazonaws.com/awscli-exe-linux-x86_64.zip" -o "awscliv2.zip"
sudo apt install unzip -y
unzip awscliv2.zip
sudo ./aws/install
Now, Configure both the tools
Configure Terraform
Edit the file /etc/environment using the below command add the highlighted lines and add your keys at the blur space.
sudo vim /etc/environment
After doing the changes, restart your machine to reflect the changes in your environment variables.
Configure AWS CLI
Run the below command, and add your keys
aws configure
Step 3: Deploy the Jenkins Server(EC2) using Terraform
Clone the Git repository- https://github.com/AmanPathak-DevOps/End-to-End-Kubernetes-DevSecOps-Tetris-Project
Navigate to the Jenkins-Server-TF
Do some modifications to the backend.tf file such as changing the bucket name and dynamodb table(make sure you have created both manually on AWS Cloud).
Now, you have to replace the Pem File name as you have some other name for your Pem file. To provide the Pem file name that is already created on AWS
Initialize the backend by running the below command
terraform init
Run the below command to check the syntax error
terraform validate
Run the below command to get the blueprint of what kind of AWS services will be created.
terraform plan -var-file=variables.tfvars
Now, run the below command to create the infrastructure on AWS Cloud which will take 3 to 4 minutes maximum
terraform apply -var-file=variables.tfvars --auto-approve
Now, connect to your Jenkins-Server by clicking on Connect.
Copy the ssh command and paste it on your local machine.
Step 4: Configure the Jenkins
Now, we logged into our Jenkins server.
We have installed some services such as Jenkins, Docker, Sonarqube, Terraform, Kubectl, AWS CLI, and Trivy.
Let’s validate whether all our installed or not.
jenkins --version
docker --version
docker ps
terraform --version
kubectl version
aws --version
trivy --version
Now, we have to configure Jenkins. So, copy the public IP of your Jenkins Server and paste it on your favorite browser with an 8080 port.
Now, run the below command to get the administrator password and paste it on your Jenkins.
systemctl status jenkins.service
sudo cat /var/lib/jenkins/secrets/initialAdminPassword
Click on Install suggested plugins
After installing the plugins, continue as admin
Click on Save and Finish
Click on Start using Jenkins
Step 5: We will deploy the EKS Cluster using Jenkins
Now, go back to your Jenkins Server terminal and configure the AWS.
Click on Manage Jenkins
Click on Plugins
Select the Available plugins and install the following plugins and click on Install
AWS Credentials
Pipeline: AWS Steps
Once, both the plugins are installed, restart your Jenkins service.
Now, we have to set our AWS credentials on Jenkins
Go to Manage Plugins and click on Credentials
Click on global.
Click on Add Credentials
Select AWS Credentials as Kind and add the ID same as shown in the below snippet except your AWS Access Key & Secret Access key and click on Create.
Now, Go to the Dashboard and click Create a job
Select the Pipeline and provide the name to your Jenkins Pipeline then click on OK.
Now, Go to the GitHub Repository in which the Jenkins Pipeline code is located to deploy the EKS service using Terraform.
Copy the entire code and paste it here
Note: There will be some configurations like backend.tf files that need to be updated from your side. Kindly do that to avoid errors.
EKS-Terraform Code- https://github.com/AmanPathak-DevOps/End-to-End-Kubernetes-DevSecOps-Tetris-Project/tree/master/EKS-TF
After pasting the Jenkinsfile code, click on Save & Apply.
Click on Build
You can see our Pipeline was successful
You can validate how many resources have been created by going to the console logs
Now, we will configure the EKS Cluster on the Jenkins Server
Run the below command to configure the EKS Cluster
aws eks update-kubeconfig --region us-east-1 --name Tetris-EKS-Cluster
To validate whether the EKS Cluster was successfully configured or not. Run the below command
kubectl get nodes
Step 6: We will install the ArgoCD Controller on the EKS Cluster and make it publicly available
Create tetris namespace
kubectl create namespace tetris
Now, we will configure the argoCD controller on our EKS cluster.
Create a new namespace named argocd and apply the manifest file on the EKS cluster.
kubectl create namespace argocd
kubectl apply -n argocd -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/argoproj/argo-cd/v2.4.7/manifests/install.yaml
Validate whether the argocd controller is deployed or not using the below command.
kubectl get pods -n argocd
As we have to access our ArgoCD controller through GUI, we need to set up the LoadBalancer for it.
Run the below command to set up the load balancer which will expose the argoCD controller publicly.
kubectl patch svc argocd-server -n argocd -p '{"spec": {"type": "LoadBalancer"}}'
Now, you will see Load Balancer on the AWS console.
Copy the LoadBalancer DNS and paste it into your favorite browser.
Click on Advanced.
Click on the highlighted link
Here, you can see the ArgoCD login page. But we can’t do anything because we don’t know the password of the admin user.
Now, we need an admin password to log in to our argoCD.
There is one pre-requisite which is jq to get the password by using filtration.
sudo apt install jq -y
Store the ArgoCD DNS name to the variable
export ARGOCD_SERVER=`kubectl get svc argocd-server -n argocd -o json | jq --raw-output '.status.loadBalancer.ingress[0].hostname'`
Run the below command to get the password.
export ARGO_PWD=`kubectl -n argocd get secret argocd-initial-admin-secret -o jsonpath="{.data.password}" | base64 -d`
echo $ARGO_PWD
Enter the username and password in argoCD and click on SIGN IN.
Here is our ArgoCD Dashboard.
Provide the name of your Application name, the Project name will be default, and SYNC POLICY will be Automatic then scroll down.
Provide the GitHub Repo, enter the path where your deployment file is located, then, Cluster URL will be https://kubernetes.default.svc and in the end, namespace will be tetris but you can write another namespace name.
Click on CREATE.
Step 7: Install the required plugins and configure the plugins to deploy our Tetris Application Version1
Install the following plugins by going to Dashboard -> Manage Jenkins -> Plugins -> Available Plugins
Docker Commons
Docker Pipeline
Docker API
Eclipse Temurin installer
OWASP Dependency-Check
SonarQube Scanner
Now, we have to configure our Sonarqube.
To do that, copy your Jenkins Server public IP and paste it on your favorite browser with 9000 port
The username and password will be admin
Click on Log In.
Update the password
Click on Administration then Security, and select Users
Click on Update tokens
Click on Generate
Copy the token keep it somewhere safe and click on Done.
Now, we have to configure webhooks for quality checks.
Click on Administration then, Configuration and select Webhooks
Click on Create
Provide the name of your project and in the URL, provide the Jenkins server public IP with port 8080 and add sonarqube-webhook in suffix, and click on Create.
Here, you can see the webhook.
Now, we have to configure the installed plugins.
Go to Dashboard -> Manage Jenkins -> Tools
We are configuring jdk
Search for jdk and provide the configuration like the below snippet.
Now, we will configure nodejs
Search for node and provide the configuration like the below snippet.
Now, we will configure the OWASP Dependency check
Search for Dependency-Check and provide the configuration like the below snippet.
Now, we will configure the docker
Search for docker and provide the configuration like the below snippet.
Now, we will configure sonarqube
Search for sonarqube and provide the configuration like the below snippet.
This is it, now click on Apply and Save.
Now, we have to store our generated token for Sonarqube in Jenkins
Go to Dashboard -> Manage Jenkins -> Credentials
Select the kind as Secret text and paste your token in Secret and keep other things as it is.
Click on Create
Token is created
Now, we have to set the path for Sonarqube in Jenkins
Go to Dashboard -> Manage Jenkins -> System
Search for SonarQube installations
Provide the name as it is, then in the Server URL copy the sonarqube public IP (same as jenkins) with port 9000 and select the sonar token that we have added recently, and click on Apply & Save.
Now, In our Jenkinsfile we are pushing our docker image to Dockerhub and then, we have to update the same image name with the new tag in the deployment file which is present on GitHub.
To do that, we need to store our Docker & GitHub credentials in Jenkins.
Go to Dashboard -> Manage Jenkins -> Credentials
Add your docker hub username and password in the respective field with ID docker.
Click on Create
Add GitHub credentials
Select the kind as Secret text and paste your GitHub Personal access token(not password) in Secret and keep other things as it is.
Click on Create
Note: If you haven’t generated your token then, you have it generated first then paste it into the Jenkins
Now, we are ready to create our Jenkins Pipeline to deploy our Tetris Application.
Go to Jenkins Dashboard
Click on New Item
Provide the name of your Pipeline and click on OK.
This is the Jenkins file to deploy Tetris Application Version 1 on EKS.
Copy and paste it into the Jenkins
Click Apply & Save.
Now, click on the build.
Our pipeline was successful.
Now, Go to the ArgoCD Console. You will see your application has been deployed or deploying
This is our Sonarqube which will show you the Code Smells and vulnerabilities in your source code.
This is our Dependency Check Results
Copy the DNS name of your load balancer from ArgoCD Console or you can go to AWS Console and copy the Load Balancer and hit the DNS on your favorite browser to enjoy the Tetris Game.
Step 8: We will deploy our Tetris Application Version 2
Now, suppose we have done some modifications to our previous version to make it more good in the sense of GUI or anything else. Then, we will have to deploy our Version 2 of our same application.
To do that, we will create a new pipeline. We can do it in the existing pipeline as well but this way you will be able to understand clearly.
We have a separate code for our Tetris Version 2. In which Dockerfile is present, so we will build the image and push it on docker and then update the same manifest file instead of v1 we will replace it with v2 manually first.
Hope you get the high overview, what are we going to do next?
Let’s make it and finish our project.
Go to Jenkins -> Dashboard and click on New Item
Provide the name to your Pipeline name and click on OK.
This is the Jenkinsfile to deploy Tetris Application Version 2 on EKS.
Copy and paste it into the Jenkins
Click Apply & Save.
Before going to build the pipeline, update the manifest file.
Replace the v1 with v2 in the image section.
Now, Once you click on the build to deploy our Tetris Application Version 2.
You will see our pipeline was successful.
ArgoCD deployed our Application. Now, you can click on the service to get the LoadBalancer DNS name
Once you hit the DNS, you will see our Game is live and you need to just click on Start.
Now, you can enjoy the game.
Step 9: We will destroy the created AWS Resources
Delete both the created LoadBalancer manually.
Select the EKS-Terraform-Deploy Pipeline.
Click on Build with Parameters select the destroy and click on Build.
The Pipeline ran successfully which means the EKS Cluster has been deleted.
You can validate from the console as well.
Now, we have to delete our Jenkins Server.
To do that, just run the below command on your local machine from where you create Jenkins Server.
terraform destroy -var-file=variables.tfvars --auto-approve
Congratulations on completing the End-to-End DevSecOps Kubernetes Project! This project provides hands-on experience with DevOps practices, AWS services, Kubernetes, and continuous integration and deployment. Remember to build on this foundation and explore more advanced concepts in your DevOps journey. If you have any questions or want to share your experiences, don't hesitate to reach out. Happy Learning!
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Feel free to reach out to me, if you have any other queries.
Happy Learning